Thursday, June 16, 2011

Letter to the brave women of Saudi Arabia who will go out driving tomorrow

Brothers and sisters,

The time has come,

We talked and we argued about the rights of Saudi women and their freedom to drive. And it became clear to us that we are being supported by the internal and external media.

It also became clear to us that there is no constitutional law stating the prevention of women to drive, and the proof of this is that policemen were only able to punished the brave women that drove, by making them sign a pledge on a paper.

It's time we made our voices heard, to show the government, and the world, that we are serious about our demands.

Women will go out tomorrow, on Friday, June 17 2011 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and driving on public streets of each city in Saudi Arabia.

If we do not express our demands, there will be no pressure on the government to change, someone has to do it, brave people have to go out and express their demands for freedom, we are those people.

To be clear, we do not want to change the government or to overthrow it. We want freedom for Saudi women, and we will express our views absolutely peacefully, completely without any clashes with the security.

May God be with us, for liberty, for freedom, and for a prosperous future.

Murad Jeddah